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A Visit to The Upper Realms

I came to stand before Them.  "Who is Them?", you ask? Them is They, the Eternal Ones, The Divine Ones Who Have Been And Will Alwa...

Monday, November 10, 2014


I left you there, tonight, lying there on the field. Because I know that there are some things worse than Death. Now you will have to face yourself, and what you have done. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you from yourself once again. But I could not, will not, let you betray us again. And that is what you have been doing. Why? I don't know. Perhaps that is YOUR destiny, to always be the betrayer. I never thought it would have been you....each and every time it came as a surprise to me...but not this time. This time around EVERYTHING changes, I can no longer afford to repeat past mistakes. When Judas betrayed Christ for thirteen pieces of silver....he could not face what he had done and hung himself from a tree. I have to ask myself...will your fate be something similar. I turn away from you now. We all do...and walk away from you forever.