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A Visit to The Upper Realms

I came to stand before Them.  "Who is Them?", you ask? Them is They, the Eternal Ones, The Divine Ones Who Have Been And Will Alwa...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

In the END

In the End, when it comes down to it, I, We, are alone.

Despite the attempts, we are alone in all this.

Even your shadow abandons you in the final hour...

I have done all I can...

But should it not be painful, to be alone in all this?

But is it  not what we wanted?!

Is it not as it should be?

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Truth

The weight, it is crushing our shoulders now. How can we leave them?!


Our children, our babies...we must prepare them...

We must have faith, in them...

We are so tired.....

There is no death, there is no pain, there is only peace, for we are ONE!

Once, I saw the Light of the Divine....

I saw the Love...

Please, please please......

See that Love..know, that whatever was done...we can be that LOVE.....for we were once a part of it...and we still are....

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Message to The Self

It was never about anything outside Us. It was always and forever about Us. You are Me and I am You. We express Ourselves, Our Division, through the manifested Universe.

The Time has come to resolve this. To end Our own sufferings and struggles.

Forgive Me. I Forgive You.

I accept You. Please accept Me.

Our TIME has come.